
9 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 10 Reviews

I like this animated film, but I was confused about what the slide that said numbers had to do with the rest of the short.

Xraylive responds:

Thanks for the response! I knew it would be confusing so I didn't really expect it to make sense to whoever was watching. Sorry if it bugs you lol

I enjoyed watching the video. The character movements and weapons were nicely done. It would have been cool to see a zoomed in version of the one of the characters dodging bullets, also seeing the characters from a different angle would be cool as well. I could tell what most of the stick figures occupations were but I had two questions on the stick figures occupations: Are the last bosses robots or aliens? Is the dark blue guy a spy?

Johnny-Nguyen responds:

The dark blue guy is spec ops. The last ones were androids manufactured for war. As of course, the feedback is appreciated :)

Oh nice!!!

AndreShepardJr responds:

Thanks! That means a lot to me! :)
I was honestly not expecting anyone to comment, I just wanted to have something posted on my page.

I thought the anti humor was funny, and I also thought it was cool when the cloud ate the words. Using pictures of the real world worked well in this animated short. The part that confused me was the very beginning when the character appears to be walking backwards toward the door. Is he supposed to be miming? If so why is he walking backwards?

NotSoInsidious responds:

I understand your critique but honestly there is no logic behind that he's just a weird guy who does weird things that's it.

It's not bad but add more movement to the character. For instance have his legs and arms move as if he is walking instead of sliding across the screen.

XxFalopioxX responds:

Thanks and i know, i do this very quickly but also i have a little bit problem with walking cycle . i will practice more.

How was this a paradox?

CubePunks responds:

Tosses bottle in the can, wont go in.

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